Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage Webmaster's Notes
Updates on Site
All updates are typically noted in the CyberNet, Updates and News, or my Facebook page. The CyberNet typically has the very latest news for,, and (though not active. The Updates and News typically has listed major updates and media related stuff. My LiveJournal is the Webmaster's blog and update very often, but my not have information on website updates. Keep in mind that updates for this site, and others, are infrequent.
The Other WashU
If you haven't noticed by now, this site is not afflieted with Washington University in St. Louis. If you came here by accident, then please click here.
Linking Rules
If you want to link to, just go ahead, you don't need my permission. However, if you are going to link straight to one of my files (movies, midis, wavs, or pics), then I ask you not to please do not do that.
Media Archive Rules
This only applies to people that want to use the files found in the Media Archive for there webpages. If your going to add these files to your site to spruce it up (or whatever), please then respect the creators of those files by NOT renaming them NOR editing them. After that, please put on your page where you got those wonderful files, being this site. Any questions should be sent to washu{at}yahoo{dot}com.
Full-Length Tenchi Videos
Are you insane, HELL NO this site will not host full-length Tenchi videos. And no, Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage will not link to a site that does. That is just a lawsuit waiting to happen!!!
Pictures and Backgrounds
I have nothing against people using the pictures or backgrounds for their web pages. But please, don't start renaming them; I hate downloading the same picture in three different names. ^^;
Problems or Errors
I'm not perfect, I do make mistakes. So if you notice a mistake, then please email me at washu{at}yahoo{dot}com, chances are I don't know it.
I couldn't have created this site without the following people that helped me along the way: Andrew Turner, Aubrey Kuang-Yu Chen, Aldrich "GenSao" Bautista, Daniel Ames, David 'Davechan' Moodie, Michael "Brazil" Borgwardt, Michael Bromery, Mike "Alpha" Skiba, Simeon, Neftlite, Tsukayama Toramatsu, Yann Stettler, and everybody else that visits this site. Thankyou All!!!
Well I don't do it for the awards, but there are people out there that insist on giving you one, I can't turn them down now. ^_^ To begin, this site was a Winner of Woozles' "Washu Award", which I guess makes sense. Got one minute of fame on the Anime Turnpike's column, Last Exit Before Toll, back on the June, 1997 Edition. And here are three more awards with pics. Thankyou All!

Finally, Who is the Webmaster?
Well, my name is Mark Clifton, and I am the webmaster of Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage. I have also made several other websites including Sakuya Kumashiro's Destiny and Fairy Princess Ren. This site started simply enough as my simple devotion to the lovable red-head, but soon turn into the site you see today. If you like to know more about me, just visit my Facebook page. For a more immediate response, you may contact me via AIM, "WashuOtaku." And as always, I am always happy to read your emails, or relay them to Washu-chan, at washu{at}yahoo{dot}com.
