August 4-6, 2006 - Baltimore, Maryland Convention Report This page is currently under construction; it will be finished somewhere between the time I work, sleep and play Final Fantasy XI. If you are truely want to know of the webmaster, visit my LiveJournal or MySpace. Naming convention of section was kind of random... hopefully will mess-up someone looking for these locations. Please do not link directly to the pictures, it will not work so don't bother. If you see something you like, download it! Non-edited originals are available, if requested nicely. Current picture count: 230 out of 230, as of Sunday, November 12, 2006.
This page was written by Mark Clifton, Webmaster and Graduate Assistant to Little Washu. If you have any questions, comments, or flames, please send'em either via AIM, you will get the quickest response that way. If you desire a bigger picture than what is posted here, then please contact me. Do not forget to visit A Fans View or Cosplay/Anime Costuming and Masquerade Links for more pictures from Otakon. Thanks for visiting! Back to Cosplay Central |