Who would have guessed that Raleigh, North Carolina would hold a Japanese Animation Convention? I guess anything is possible nowadays. And after two previous spring break trips to Katsucon, a convention has finally came just a little bit closer to me. Of course, I would have continued to go to Katsucon if they: A) Didn't move from Virginia Beach to Alexandria, and B) Didn't change the month to February. So I gave Animazement a shot, I mean, what did I really have too lose?
A smaller con than Katsucon, it didn't have as many people; of course it was its first year and something I was expecting. The Hotel we stayed in, Hilton North Raleigh, was very nice and with plenty of space. The dealer's room was very nice and big, got lots of cool stuff including CDs, posters, wall scrolls, and videos. And finally, the Cos-Play and Music Videos were awesome and both actually went on time.
Apparently though, because I had such a good time, I only took a few pictures. What can I say, Animazement was a blast.