~ ~ May 23-25, at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC ~ ~ Memorial Weekend at Animazement is always a blast, this year again was no exception. Hosted again at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, North Carolina; everyone who stayed at the hotel, this year, had free internet access. This wonderful addition, on top of the reduced rate, enabled me to update my website from the hotel and check email. Also, the guest list at Animazement was again a long list of whos-who in the business; including a added bonus of Asami Sanada (Japanese voice of Dejiko) and Kyoko Hikami (Japanese voice of Rabi-en-Rose). Oddly, with such a high number of guests and ideal location in the mid-atlantic region, it seemed to have drawn less people than last year; also less industry was in attendance at the convention, only AnimEigo, Broccoli/Synchpoint, CPM, and Media Blaster were represented. However, I was upset about one thing this year, and that was my Tenchi Muyo! Q&A Panel being on Friday at 1:00pm. This was a horried time because most wouldn't arrive till Friday evening, not to mention that the Dealer's Room doors open at the same time too. Thus, attendance at my Tenchi panel was half from last year, around twenty-five. The panel itself was okay... explained a couple of things of the series, news on GXP and the third OVA, and showed episode 10 of GXP and few music videos and other weird stuff I had on my computer. If Animazement allows me to do another panel next year, I hope they will give me a much, much better time... because being first of the day sucks! The rest of my Friday went spending money in the Dealer's room, taking pictures, hangin' with friends, and harassing a few people with my giant Pucca. On Saturday, I did pretty much the same thing, but I also participated, for the first time ever, in the Cosplay. The reason I did is because a guy named Derek (known to most as Goku) convinced me to join his Speed Racer skit; my character was Dr. Fusion, a random scientist that created the first Cold-Fusion powered car. It was fun to do, and even though I was a nobody character, it was fun, unfortunately I have no pictures on this site of me cosplaying... I didn't want to scare you all. Anyway, our skit went okay though we all did screw-up on it some; didn't win anything, but that's okay with me. After the convention, I proceeded to pass out Pixy Stix to the people; though I did sell a few to some people, making eleven dollars. On Sunday, things pretty much slowed down as people began to pack and leave. Last minute shopping and the art auction was the only things left to do. By 3:00pm, the convention was officially over and the people promptly left, as did I. Nothing else to add about Sunday other than my drive back home was mostly uneventful. My stats for the convention as follows: 215 pictures taken, 10 glomps, purchased over $300 in stuff in the Dealer's room, cosplayed one character, and watched zero anime. Most common cosplay themes were: Chobits, DiGi Charat and Final Fantasy. The most popular was Gundam Wing-Zero (unfairly won both first place advanced and Best of show; should be one or the other, not both), though I thought the Final Fantasy Tactics group was great too (won second place advanced). But enough of the report (if you have read it), it is time for the pictures. Their are 160 pictures in four sections, all thumbnailed for your protection. Bigger pictures are by request only. Enjoy!
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